Understanding the Different Presentations of OCD
Savannah Davis Savannah Davis

Understanding the Different Presentations of OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is often misunderstood as simply being about cleanliness or organization. However, this complex mental health condition manifests in diverse ways, affecting individuals uniquely. Understanding these different presentations can foster greater empathy and provide insight into the varied experiences of those living with OCD. In this blog, we will explore several subsets of OCD, outlining their symptoms and common experiences.

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Should I Be Considering EMDR Therapy?
Savannah Davis Savannah Davis

Should I Be Considering EMDR Therapy?

What is EMDR therapy, how is it different from “regular therapy,” and how do you know if it’s right for you? We’re diving into many of the commonly-asked questions and curiosities that people have about EMDR.

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The Ins and Outs of Exposure Therapy
Savannah Davis Savannah Davis

The Ins and Outs of Exposure Therapy

Have you ever wondered why you can’t just talk yourself out of your worries or intrusive thoughts? Exposure and Response Prevention therapy helps individuals with anxiety, OCD, and phobias to actually learn how to tolerate anxiety and distress, rather than just trying to talk yourself out of it.

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When’s The Right Time to Consider Medication?
Savannah Davis Savannah Davis

When’s The Right Time to Consider Medication?

Have you ever wondered whether or not psychiatric medication could be right for you? While I can’t tell you what’s right in your specific case, I’ve broken down some of the common reasons that people consider medication.

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PTSD vs. Complex PTSD: What’s the difference?
Savannah Davis Savannah Davis

PTSD vs. Complex PTSD: What’s the difference?

In a very condensed nutshell, PTSD may occur after a single-incident trauma, whereas Complex PTSD may occur after multiple or prolonged traumas. But there’s variation in symptoms and presentation too. Read on to learn more about the overlaps and distinctions between PTSD and C-PTSD.

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Family Dynamics, Boundaries, & The Holidays
Savannah Davis Savannah Davis

Family Dynamics, Boundaries, & The Holidays

Love your family, but don’t love the stress that can come along with seeing them over the holidays? While there’s no quick fix to cure that stress, here are a few things you can do to help reduce stress at the holidays and enjoy time with family.

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How To Stop The Pattern Of Avoidance
Savannah Davis Savannah Davis

How To Stop The Pattern Of Avoidance

Avoidance can become a vicious cycle that only worsens anxiety, even if it feels helpful in the short-term. But, stopping that cycle isn't always easy. Read on to learn how to interrupt that cycle and how to get back to living your life.

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How to Preserve Your Mental Health as the Seasons Change
Savannah Davis Savannah Davis

How to Preserve Your Mental Health as the Seasons Change

Noticing a change in your mood or mental health as the seasons turn? You’re probably not imagining it. Here, we’ve identified clear, action-oriented steps you can start taking today to help combat seasonal depression and other seasonal mood changes.

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How To Make The Most of Your Therapy Sessions
Savannah Davis Savannah Davis

How To Make The Most of Your Therapy Sessions

Do you ever feel like you’re going to sessions, but nothing is really changing? Sometimes, that might mean it’s time to look for a therapist who’s a better fit, but other times, it may mean evaluating what you’re putting into your therapy to ensure that you’re getting the most out of it. Here are a few ways to ensure that you’re making the most of your therapy sessions.

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Is it Becoming Trendy to Say You Have Trauma?
Savannah Davis Savannah Davis

Is it Becoming Trendy to Say You Have Trauma?

These days, it seems like the word “trauma” gets thrown around as a blanket explanation for any upsetting emotion or experience. Social media may have a role in mental health "trends" and the misuse of serious mental health terms.

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6 Ways to Support Your Teen After Trauma
Savannah Davis Savannah Davis

6 Ways to Support Your Teen After Trauma

If your teenager has experienced something traumatic and you’re not sure how to help them, you’re not alone. There’s no guidebook that tells you how to get your kid through this, but there are a few simple things you can do to help them.

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3 Steps for Managing Worry & Anxiety
Savannah Davis Savannah Davis

3 Steps for Managing Worry & Anxiety

Feeling like you can’t stop worrying about the worst case scenario, or like anxious thoughts are taking over? Here are three steps that you can start using today to help manage worries and shift how you feel.

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Why People-Pleasing Actually Damages Relationships
Savannah Davis Savannah Davis

Why People-Pleasing Actually Damages Relationships

Think that you're being chill and easy by saying "yes" all the time, going with the flow, and avoiding confrontation? Think again. People-pleasing actually can be damaging to your relationships, and here's how.

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6 Ways to Manage Pandemic Burnout Amid the Omicron Variant
Savannah Davis Savannah Davis

6 Ways to Manage Pandemic Burnout Amid the Omicron Variant

The Omicron variant is bringing a new wave of uncertainty and concern, and with it, new levels of anxiety and burnout for many. Here are 6 ways to help manage pandemic-related anxiety and burnout amid yet another new variant of the Covid-19 virus.

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